Hace unos días un estudiante de Derecho me preguntaba: ¿Cómo se hace un contrato? Esta pregunta, cuya respuesta parece obvia, es muy interesante y me motivó a escribir este artículo.

La palabra contrato proviene del latín contractus derivado  de contrahere, que significa concertar. El Código Civil Francés define al contrato con magistral sencillez diciendo que “hay contrato cuanto varias personas se ponen de acuerdo sobre una declaración de voluntad común, destinada a reglar sus derechos”. El contrato es, fundamentalmente, un acuerdo de voluntades.

En nuestro país, los contratos, civiles y comerciales están regidos, fundamentalmente por las disposiciones del Código Civil y, en tal sentido, el artículo 669 del mismo dispone: “Los interesados pueden reglar libremente sus derechos mediante contratos observando las normas imperativas de la ley, y en particular, las contenidas en este título y en el relativo a los actos jurídicos”.

El acuerdo

El primer paso para la redacción de un contrato es que el cliente nos informe acerca de cuál es el acuerdo al cual han arribado con la otra parte y a partir de allí proceder a la elaboración.

En este sentido, en muchos casos los clientes antes de arribar a un acuerdo, nos piden un “modelo de contrato”, con lo cual se invierte el proceso lógico de su elaboración. No obstante, esta es una situación real de la cual no podemos escapar y por ende, debemos administrarla.


En muchos casos en el encabezamiento del contrato se consigna su denominación, por ejemplo: Contrato de compra venta. Ello, en rigor, no es necesario, pero no está de más.

Fecha y lugar

La fecha de celebración del contrato es fundamental para poder determinar cuándo fue suscripto el mismo y, en la generalidad de los casos, a partir de que momento entrará a regir, si bien esto puede establecerse a partir de otro momento.

El lugar determina la jurisdicción a ser aplicable a los efectos de la solución de controversias, salvo que se establezca algo diferente en otra cláusula del contrato.

Habitualmente estos datos se encuentran al inicio del contrato, si bien algunos prefieren consignarlos al final. Por nuestra parte, basado en un orden lógico, estimamos que es más conveniente que los mismos se encuentren en el encabezamiento.

Las partes

Las partes son quienes suscriben el contrato y que deben ser individualizadas con el nombre completo, número y tipo de documento de identidad y domicilio. En el caso de las personas jurídicas será el nombre completo de la entidad y el número del RUC.

En cuanto al domicilio es muy importante que el mismo se encuentre lo más detallado posible, indicando la calle, el número de la casa las calles transversales, el barrio y la ciudad.

El domicilio se utiliza para la comunicación entre las partes, por lo que, si el mismo no está suficientemente individualizado, se podrán tener dificultades al momento de remitir las comunicaciones ya que ellas pueden no llegar a destino por dicha situación.

En lo que respecta a las personas jurídicas debe indicarse las personas físicas que la representan y el carácter en que lo hacen. Una cuestión que suele generar dificultades es la forma en que puede verificarse que quienes firmarán el contrato efectivamente ejerzan la representación.

Esto puede verificarse por medio de los estatutos sociales y sus modificaciones, y, en el caso de sociedades anónimas, con las actas de asamblea y de directorio o con poderes. No obstante, en algunas ocasiones no es posible contar con estos documentos, en cuyo caso sugerimos incluir una cláusula en la cual se consigne que los firmantes en representación de la persona jurídica declaran que se encuentran suficientemente facultados para suscribir el documento y que efectivamente ejercen la representación de la entidad.

El objeto

Callaghan  define al objeto como  “la realidad sobre la que recae el contrato, los intereses regulados y concretamente las obligaciones de las partes”.

El objeto es un elemento central del contrato y los principales requisitos que debe cumplir el objeto son: cierto, determinado, posible y lícito.

En la próxima entrega nos referiremos a los demás elementos del contrato que, fundamentalmente son: plazo, precio, derechos y obligaciones de las partes, legislación aplicable, jurisdicción; así como a otros elementos que varían según el tipo de contrato que son: confidencialidad, exclusividad, etc.


Marcelo Codas Frontanilla

Twitter: @CodasMarcelo


  • Henryget

    14 marzo, 2024 at 12:30 am

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    In our time cellular communication has become an integral share in the life of every person. Cell phone used not only for calls and news, but also for accessing the web, social networks, online and many other services. But what if for you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such situations you can use the rental service of phone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be used for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number possibly could be useful in subsequent cases:

    1. Registration on sites and services that require confirmation phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing add-ons.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or sample surveys.
    4. Hiding personal phone number when communicating with unknown people.

    Lease of telephone number can be either one-time or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or city. Price of rent depends on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and safe. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    So, renting a phone number can be a convenient and reliable way to obtain a temporary number for different purposes. Use this service with brain and discretion to to avoid nasty situations.


  • Henryget

    14 marzo, 2024 at 4:19 am

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    In our days cellular communication has become an integral share of our lives. Mobile phone is used not only for calls and messages, also for accessing the web, social networks, online and many other services. But what if you need a temporary telephone number for any specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of telephone number. Many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be applied for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number possibly could be useful in subsequent cases:

    1. Registration on sites and services that require confirmation phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing applications.
    3. Conducting advertising campaigns, mailings or surveys.
    4. Hiding own phone number when communicating with unknown people.

    Lease of telephone number can be either simultaneous or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or city. Cost of rent may depend on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and non-threatening. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    So, renting a phone number can be a comfortable and reliable method to obtain a temporary number for different purposes. Use this service with brain and discretion to to avoid unpleasant situations.


  • Henryget

    14 marzo, 2024 at 8:36 am

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    In our days cellular communication has become an integral part of in the life of every person. Cell phone used not only for calls and notices, also for accessing the web, social networks, online banking and many other services. But what if for you need a temporary telephone number for some specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of telephone number. Many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be applied for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number may useful in subsequent cases:

    1. Registration on sites and services that require proof telephone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing add-ons.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or surveys.
    4. Hiding own phone number when communicating with strangers people.

    Lease of telephone number can be either one-time or long. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country either town. Cost of rent may depend on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and non-threatening. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    So, renting a phone number can be a convenient and reliable method to obtain a temporary number for different purposes. Use this service with brain and discretion to to avoid nasty situations.


  • Henryget

    14 marzo, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    In our time cellular communication has become an integral part of in the life of every person. Cell phone is used not only for calls and notices, but also for accessing the web, social networks, online banking and many other services. But what if for you need a temporary telephone number for any specific purposes?

    In such situations you can use the rental service of phone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be used for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number possibly could be useful in subsequent cases:

    1. Registration on sites and services that require proof phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing applications.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or surveys.
    4. Hiding personal phone number when communicating with strangers people.

    Lease of telephone number can be either simultaneous or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or city. Cost of rent may depend on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and non-threatening. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    In this way, renting a phone number can be a comfortable and reliable way to obtain a temporary number for different purposes. Use this service with brain and caution to to avoid nasty situations.


  • Henryget

    14 marzo, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    In our time cellular communication has become an integral share of our lives. Mobile phone is used not only for calls and messages, also for accessing the Internet, social networks, online banking and many other services. But what if for you need a temporary telephone number for any specific purposes?

    In such cases you can use the rental service of telephone number. Almost many companies provide the opportunity to rent virtual numbers, which can be used for both incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

    Renting a phone number may could be useful in the following cases:

    1. Registration on websites and services that require proof phone number.
    2. Creation temporary accounts for work or for testing applications.
    3. Conducting marketing campaigns, mailings or surveys.
    4. Hiding personal phone number when communicating with unknown people.

    Lease of telephone number can be either simultaneous or long-term. In addition you can choose a number with the code of any country or town. Price of rent may depend on duration of use and additional services provided by the company.

    However, before renting a telephone number, make sure that the company providing this service is reliable and safe. Read reviews from other users, check the terms of use and data privacy.

    In this way, renting a phone number can be a comfortable and reliable way to obtain a temporary number for different purposes. Use this service with mind and discretion to to avoid nasty situations.


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Asunción, Paraguay.

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